Andrey Berezin, CEO of Euroinvest, modernized dairy production in the Pskov region

Andrei Berezin, the general director of Euroinvest Group and co-owner of Krasnoye Znamya agricultural holding, increased the area of cultivated land and launched his own milk production.
According to the businessman, investors allocated 30 million rubles from the personal budget for the development of dairy production. Thanks to this, the agro-cluster quickly became self-sufficient.
The initial plan was to invest up to 1 billion rubles to increase the number of cattle and improve milk production. Then the milking herd would be 1.2 thousand heads, and the volume of milk production would be more than 13 thousand liters a year. However, those plans were abandoned for economic reasons. “It is better to develop in small stages and only at the expense of our own funds,” says Andrei Berezin. Maxim Bondarev, co-owner of the agricultural holding, also thinks that it makes no sense to build a dairy farm in the current economic conditions. He agrees with Andrei Berezin – it is better to start with 3 tons of milk per day and sell it in the Pskov region in full.
According to Andrei Berezin, businessmen in the agricultural sector often want to make a profit during the construction of facilities for agricultural enterprises, and later do not think about the development of these enterprises. The head of “Euroinvest” hopes that such “temporary workers” will soon leave the niche, giving the opportunity to grow and develop enterprises with a long-term perspective.
Another important economic solution is the creation of cropland for fodder grain, which cows are fed on. Last year, “Krasnoye Znamya” increased its areas to 2.5 thousand hectares. Grain is processed into mixed fodder enriched with additives for cows. Having own fodder, the cost of milk can be kept at a competitive level.
Today the dairy herd of the enterprise reaches 300 cows. And although the owners of the agro-cluster stick to the declared plan – to sell three tons of milk in Pskov region, they still plan to enter neighboring St. Petersburg and its suburbs sooner or later.